Data Protection Policy
Old Salvatorians Football Club (OSFC)
Data Protection Policy
General Statement of Duties
OSFC necessarily processes personal data regarding our Members, Trustees, Officers and Other Volunteers and as such is required to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.
We will take all reasonable steps to do so in accordance with this Policy by endeavouring to comply with the relevant Data Protection Principles contained in this Act.
Relevant Data Protection Principles
OSFC shall as far as is reasonably practicable ensure that all data is:-
ï‚· Processed fairly and lawfully
ï‚· Only used for the purposes for which it is obtained
ï‚· Adequate, relevant and not excessive
ï‚· Accurate and up-to-date
ï‚· Not kept for longer than necessary
ï‚· Processed in accordance with individuals rights
ï‚· Kept secure
Personal Data
Personal data is any information about a living identifiable individual.
This includes information necessary for OSFC Membership Applications and Records, AFC Registrations, and Operational and Administration purposes - such as name, address and contact details, and other appropriate personal information.
OSFC will endeavour to ensure that all personal data held is accurate.
Individuals must notify the Club Secretary of any changes to information held about them and have the right to request that inaccurate information be erased.
Processing of Personal Data
Personal data will normally remain confidential and only be disclosed to third parties on a need to know basis subject to authorisation by the Honorary Secretary and the consent of the individual concerned.
Exceptions to this are necessary information for club operations (such as team management, League Registrations, etc), Emergency Services intervention, or as otherwise required by law.
All club officers responsible for processing personal data will be made familiar with this policy.
Certain data is exempted from the provisions of the Data Protection Act. This includes:
ï‚· The prevention or detection of crime
ï‚· Where the processing is necessary to exercise a right or obligation conferred or imposed by law upon OSFC
ï‚· References given by OSFC
Rights of Access to Information
Individuals have a right of access to personal information held by OSFC.
Any individual wishing to access his/her personal data should make a request in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will endeavour to respond to and action any such written requests as soon as reasonably practicable. You may be required to provide verification of your identity and to pay an administrative fee (currently £10).
To comply with data protection confidentiality certain data may be withheld if it identifies a third party.
Data Protection Controller
OSFC is the legal Data Controller with day to day responsibility delegated to the Honorary Secretary, Club Secretary and Treasurer for general administrative, liaison and financial operations.
These Officers will endeavour to ensure that all personal data is processed in compliance with this Data Protection Policy.
If anyone believes that OSFC has not complied with this Policy or acted in accordance with the Data Protection Act, they should inform the Honorary Secretary who will ensure that any such reported breach of security is investigated.
Information Security
All personal data will be stored on a secure cloud operating service or by the named Club Officers in their homes and will only be accessible to authorised personnel.
Information stored on computers will have backup copies made regularly and kept off-site in a secure place.