Selection policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that Old Salvatorians FC maximises its chance of football success for all teams in the Club, give each individual the opportunity to play to his potential, provide strong but fair opposition to its opponents and comply with the terms of OSFC’s affiliation to the Amateur Football Combination. .
The Club will operate a merit based selection policy whilst allowing some flexibility for individual circumstances, e.g. working on Saturdays, family commitments, part availability etc. Some allowance will also be made so that individuals are not substitutes regularly
This means that the 1st XI will comprise the best squad available, 2nd XI the next best squad etc.
Selection will be organised through a Selection Committee chaired by the Selection Officer, who will be a full voting member of the OSFC committee. The role of the Selection Committee is to ensure that the terms of this policy are adhered to and that selection is both fair and flexible.
The Selection Committee shall meet each Saturday to review known availability for the following week and agree provisional selections accordingly. Elected Captains are entitled to attend and express their preferences. The Selection Officer will co-ordinate advice to members and oversee changes during the following week as required.
Once all the squads have been reviewed for each team in any given weekend, the Selection Officer will sense check for overall relative strength and consider the position of any playing members who are not being offered a game.
Any changes advised to or between Captains must be referred to the Selection Officer as soon as practically possible
Teams cannot be changed after 8pm on the Thursday before a game unless by agreement from all affected Captains and the Selection Officer
In the event that a playing member refuses to play for the side for which he has been selected, he shall not be eligible to play for any other team that weekend.
In the event that a playing member consistently refuses to play where selected, the Selection Officer will advise the OSFC Committee, who will deliberate on whether his membership is revoked in accordance with the Club Constitution.
After the 15th October (or such other date as the Committee may deem appropriate) only paid up playing members will be considered for selection
Playing members will not be considered for selection if they have outstanding fines or weekly subs for more than two weeks after the due date. Playing members serving suspensions for any other football club or under any County Association jurisdiction will not be considered for selection under any circumstances.
Preference will be given to those playing members who are consistently available for selection, attend training etc